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Template is very good. little problems with compability with other modules but it is worth to use a good looking template.
HirnI had some URL related problems using Sh404SEF and Virtuemart for Joomla 1.5... I found this instead. It is a fantastic replacement and you don't have to worry about 'configuring' minor details. Just follow the simple install and off you go. I had a small issue (which it turns out was something that I missed) and I raised a support ticket that solved the issue within a few hours. Now I have tried it I feel it's worth 3 times the asking price and will use it on all my future client sites.
Hallo, die Softwareerweiterung ist schlicht der Hammer! Funktioniert sehr gut mit meinem Joomla und entspricht absolut meinen Vorstellungen. Eine einfache Installation und ein super Support runden das Angebot ab. Der Preis ist mehr als angemessen. Das Tool habe ich auf meiner Seite www.webiness.de im Einsatz. Vielen Dank an die Entwickler!!! Gruß Thomas
For the first time i actually have only positive things to say about a template. Great look, endless possibilities and quick response on support if you need them. They keep updating their templates and packages so you stay away of issues during website updates and such. My first five star rating on a template and a well deserved one might i add.
Great Theme!!! Very easy to use and setup. Easily customizable to fit website design. Theme is being modernized and updated on regular basis to enable new features that VM team offers. Also love the support that I receive from the Team, when I need something get done. Very fast response time. Thank you for being one of the firsts to have such amazing theme available so soon.
It's a real improvement to the original VM template! Also I got very quick & helpful support!
Klasse!! sieht super aus - das beste Themenpaket das ich bis jetzt im Internet gefunden habe. Kleines Manko, beim entzippen der Dateien gibt es Probleme, aber sonst super - gleich wie das Team selbst. So macht Einkaufen Spass.
really good software, i recommend it!
Hervorragendes Plug-In. In 1min installiert, einfache Konfiguration und zaubert saubere, SEO freundliche URLs. Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. In Kombination mit dem Meta-Manager' und einer passenden Produktbeschreibung ist man was SEO angeht gut gestellt.'
English Beautiful theme, created with care and detail. What struck me most is the courtesy, speed and skill of technical support. good! Italiano Bellissimo tema, realizzato con cura e dovizia di particolari. Quello che più mi ha colpito è la cortesia, velocità e bravura del supporto tecnico. Bravi! www.laputea.com
It is a wonderful theme, very beautiful and functional! I recommend it. The only problem is to have no support after 6 months not even use the forum ..
Good idea for this module Good idea for this module Good idea for this module Good idea for this module Good idea for this module